A photo of students walking around tables during Senate's Art and Identity Showcase

Archives and Past Work

Embark on a journey through our past, discovering Senate's transformative legacy. Unearth the triumphs, advocacy, and legislation that have shaped UT Austin's academic experience.

Senate Accomplishments

Capital of Texas Undergraduate Research Conference 

CTURC is the largest undergraduate-run research conference in Texas. This event is an opportunity for student researchers across the state to present their work and develop valuable communication skills, as well as connect with leaders in the field and discover further research opportunities.

Committee: Undergraduate Research Committee

Ready, Set, Go!

A college readiness workshop designed to help 11th-12th grade Austin high school students learn about the admissions process, hear mock lectures, attend admissions workshops, enjoy a free lunch, and an optional campus tour led by Senate members. The information presented at these workshops is valuable to all students, whether they are applying to UT or other schools.

Committee: Recruitment & Retention

Interdisciplinary Studies Week

ISW is a week-long mentorship program between students looking to add a major and upperclassmen in their major of interest. Mentors provide insight into their academic reality, guidance, and professional development opportunities.

Committee: Academic Enrichment

RISE: First-Year Mentorship

RISE is a conference hosted by New Student Services for first-year students, designed to strengthen leadership skills and develop strategies to succeed throughout college. Senate Members were involved in the promotion and execution of this event as mentors to first-year students.

Committee: Recruitment & Retention 

Social Justice Week

Social Justice Week an annual event series focused on fostering discussion and community around students' lived experiences. Past events include a period product drive, an art and identity showcase, and a showing of the documentary, "Naming a President and a Building- Painter Hall," among many others.

Committee: Community Advocacy

A Night with Ethnic and Identity Studies

On March 30, 2022, Senate hosted A Night with Ethnic and Identity Studies alongside students, professors, program chairs, and advisors from the AADS, MALS, AAS, and WGS departments with the goal of encouraging UT students across all colleges to explore beyond their major and enroll in courses within these featured programs. 

Committee: Community Advocacy

Students at the SCC Capital of Texas Undergraduate Research Conference

SCC Members at the Ready, Set, Go event

Students sitting and standing and conversing at an SCC event

2022-2023 By The Numbers

  • $9,500 in student scholarships distributed to students
  • $15,000 in appropriations to 35+ student organizations
  • Over 1000 students directly benefited from Senate’s work

Additional Accomplishments

Last year, Senate hosted valuable events such as Coffee with New Faculty, New Faculty/PhD Candidate Roundtable, and the Classroom Educational Policy Roundtable. Senate held an event to assist students with writing their summer research applications, as well as an undergraduate research workshop to support students research at UT Austin! We polled student opinion on the registration process and met with administration to begin to implement our findings. These are just some initiatives and policies we implemented in the past year; what new initiative will you be a part of?

2022-2023 SCC President and Vice President at a podium