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Main Page

Learn more about The Capital of Texas Undergraduate Research Conference (CTURC)!

Conference Details

Learn more about the Conference's schedule, location and directions, and etiquette.

Past Conferences

See previous keynote speakers, past CTURC attendees demographics, awards and photos of past conferences!

Abstract Submission

Abstract Template

Please review the abstract template when completing the application.

Abstract Submission

All submissions are due by 11:59 PM Sunday, March 2nd, 2025.

Poster-Based Presentation

What to Expect

This will be a maximum 8-minute oral poster presentation to judges as they float between different posters during the designated session. Please expect 2 minutes of questions from each judge. 

Poster presenters will be judged on criteria such as the clarity of their presentation, effectiveness in delivery, and the comprehensibility of the visual aid. Judges will expect researchers to be able to convey the purpose, design, execution, and conclusion of their research.

What is Required

Attendees are expected to print and bring their own posters. We recommend contacting the Office of Undergraduate Research at your institution for help printing your poster. If there are financial limitations, please contact us at utsenateurc@gmail.com so that we may be able to help accommodate. The maximum size of each poster may be 42'' x 72" in the landscape orientation. Posters that are a little taller can hang below the bottom bar. Additionally, posters will be attached with large-size binder clips that will be provided. The presenter should be dressed in business casual attire as described on the Conference Etiquettesection in Conference Details page.

Where do I begin?

A research poster describes the most important/astounding finding(s) from your research project. It can include text, illustrations, photographs, charts, and graphs. Keep in mind that a poster containing only text isn't as visually appealing as a poster containing illustrations and figures; it is a good idea to include both text and visual elements in your poster.

CTURC Presenter

CTURC poster frame

What software can I use to make a poster?

  • Microsoft
  • PowerPoint
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Adobe InDesign
  • BioRender
  • OpenOffice
  • Inkscape 
CTURC attendee

CTURC attendee

CTURC attendee

CTURC attendee

Slides-Based Presentation

What to Expect

If you will be giving a Slides-Based Presentation, you will give a presentation using Microsoft PowerPoint. Once your application has been accepted, you will be asked to upload your presentation in .pptx form. 

This will be a maximum 8-minute oral PowerPoint presentation to an audience of judges, other presenters, and CTURC volunteers. This will be followed by 2 minutes of questions from judges. 

Similar to the Poster-Based Presentations, presenters will be judged on criteria such as the clarity of their presentation, their effectiveness in delivery, and the comprehensibility of the visual aid. Judges will expect researchers to be able to convey the purpose, design, execution, and conclusion of their research. 

Important: If you use an alternative software (Google Slides, Canva, etc.) to create your slides, be sure to export it to PowerPoint. Check the PowerPoint to confirm all your fonts, images, and animations are still functioning correctly.

CTURC Presenter

CTURC Presenter