Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Why is this necessary?
A: Since the budget is the financial backbone of both Internal Senate and the College Councils, it
must be passed by the General Assembly to display to the University that it is the agreed upon budget of
the Senate General Assembly.


S.B. 2301

The Budget of the Senate of College Councils for the 2023-2024

Academic Year
August 31
, 2023
Introduced in The Senate of College Councils on August 31
, 2023 • Voted on in The Senate of College Councils

on _______ • The Resolution _______ on a _______ vote.

Whereas, The Senate of College Councils is granted funds from the University each academic year;


Whereas, The Senate Financial Director, alongside the Senate President and Vice President, allocate

these funds to the College Councils and Internal Senate; and,

Whereas, These allocations are made based on a number of data sources including the present
needs of each entity and the entity’s allocations and expenditures in years past; and,
Whereas, These allocations are collected and explained within the official Budget for the Senate of

College Councils; and,

Whereas, As the functional and operating budget of all entities with the Senate General Assembly,
this budget requires the approval of the assembly via a parliamentary vote; therefore, be it
Enacted, That the Senate of College Councils makes the allocations and distributions for all listed
Internal and External entities as laid out in the presented budget; therefore, be it
Enacted, That the presented budget be approved and put into effect for the Senate of College

Councils for the 2023-2024 academic year.

Authors, Samanvi Velagapudi, Financial Director, Senate of College Councils

Corinne Floyd, President, Senate of College Councils

Daniel Islas Becker, Vice President, Senate of College Councils

Sponsor, Faleha Quadri, Policy Director, Senate of College Councils

News category:
2023-2024 (CORINNE/ISLAS)