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Learn about the scholarships we offer

We believe that financial constraints should not hinder students from realizing their full potential and pursuing their academic dreams. Here, you'll find details on the scholarships we offer, designed to address a variety of student needs and ambitions.

The Study Abroad Scholarship

The Senate of College Councils Academic Enrichment Committee Study Abroad Scholarship is designed to assist a student studying abroad in an upcoming academic year.



  • Must have attended UT for at least two semesters or must currently be enrolled in the 2nd semester.

  • Students must also currently have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher and be in good academic standing.

  • Applicants will be scored considering merit, financial need, and acceptance to a UT-affiliated study abroad program.

This scholarship is open to all undergraduate students, including international students, who will study abroad in Maymester or Summer Programs.

APPLY HERE: https://deanofstudents.utexas.edu/secure/sgo/studyabroadscholarship.php

Other Scholarships

The Academic Improvement Scholarship

This scholarship is designed to reward students who have shown significant improvement in academic performance and GPA.

The Non-Traditional Student Scholarship

This scholarship is made for Non-Traditional Students and will be awarded to up to three recipients.

The Undergraduate Research Scholarship

This scholarship is available to all full-time undergraduate students pursuing research on campus, whether it is professor-led or independent.

The William C. Powers Jr. Endowed Scholarship

This scholarship aims to recognize outstanding student leaders contributing to the UT community.